Monday, May 28, 2012

Tracking my HCG Diet!

Day 18- Boy this last week has been a loooooooong one! Poor Baby Boo is sick, teething, and not sleeping. Which, I have officially realized how much sleep has an impact on your weight loss. On the nights where I got less sleep, I lost MINIMAL weight. This morning I about lost my mind when I stepped on the scale and had gained (.2lbs) and not lost. Especially since I had an Apple Day yesterday. I hadn't been losing (due to lack of sleep)  so I figured I would kick start my metabolism so I could end the week with a bang! Welll, woke up SUPER early (Thank you Raileigh) and when I weighed in, I just wanted to cry. After we took a 1.5hr nap (THANK YOU RAI!) I lost 1.6lbs!!! Sooooo, my weekly totals go:
Total LBS Lost: 17.2 (6lbs since last week)
Total Inches Lost: 10.75in (3.5in since last week)

I have 22 days till I stop taking the drops, 25 till I can jump up to 1200 calorie diet... Man ooohhhhh man I CAN NOT wait!!!! I can't wait to have cheese. And tacos, and OCCASIONALLY pasta. As that is my biggest addiction, and the main reason as to why I gained so much weight AFTER I had Raileigh, I will limit myself. I can't become what I was... NEVERRRR!!!!


  1. Yaay! That's so cool you've lost 6 lbs in a week! May I make a recommendation? Maybe change the font of the numbers, or make them bigger? I think there are decimal points in there, but it's too hard to tell :(

    1. Thank you!!!!

      I did change it, hows it look?? Any better?
