Monday, May 28, 2012

Tracking my HCG Diet!

Day 18- Boy this last week has been a loooooooong one! Poor Baby Boo is sick, teething, and not sleeping. Which, I have officially realized how much sleep has an impact on your weight loss. On the nights where I got less sleep, I lost MINIMAL weight. This morning I about lost my mind when I stepped on the scale and had gained (.2lbs) and not lost. Especially since I had an Apple Day yesterday. I hadn't been losing (due to lack of sleep)  so I figured I would kick start my metabolism so I could end the week with a bang! Welll, woke up SUPER early (Thank you Raileigh) and when I weighed in, I just wanted to cry. After we took a 1.5hr nap (THANK YOU RAI!) I lost 1.6lbs!!! Sooooo, my weekly totals go:
Total LBS Lost: 17.2 (6lbs since last week)
Total Inches Lost: 10.75in (3.5in since last week)

I have 22 days till I stop taking the drops, 25 till I can jump up to 1200 calorie diet... Man ooohhhhh man I CAN NOT wait!!!! I can't wait to have cheese. And tacos, and OCCASIONALLY pasta. As that is my biggest addiction, and the main reason as to why I gained so much weight AFTER I had Raileigh, I will limit myself. I can't become what I was... NEVERRRR!!!!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Tracking my HCG Diet!!!

Day 10- I am proud to say that, since last Monday, I have lost 11.2 pounds!!!! And 7.25 inches (total body)!!!!! I was starting to feel a little down about this. Yesterday was really hard because EVERYTHING made me hungry. And feeding Raileigh my favorite food, just killed me. But I stayed strong. Thank god I did, or else I would not feel THIS Amazing!!! I have been wearing Lazy Day Clothes the past few days, so hopefully when I get ready for work today, my Jeans will be a little bigger. Which will only put a SMILE :) on my face! I have noticed that my face looks a bit slimmer, along with my chest. And my skin is a heck of a lot clearer. So this diet is helping in so many ways! Thank you Mom for leading me to the right place, thank you Travis, Mom, Jazz, Rai, and to ALLLLL Of my friends and family that are helping support me! You guys are such a big help!!!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Tracking my HCG Diet!

Day 8- Well, the excruciating hunger has subsided. Well, more or less I got used to it yesterday. Which is about when they said it would. BUTTTTTTTT.... I have lost 8.6lbs since Monday!!! WOOT WOOT!!!!! LoL I feel a tad more energized, and I know it will only get better from here. Even though the hunger pains are gone, I cant help but daydream about a nice, big, juicy hamburger, or a Carne Asada taco from Pedros Tacos... OR a BOBs Burrito from El Tepehuan.... Shit. I would LOVEEEEEEEEEEE a friggen Krispy Kreme. But I have given up that 'BAD' food for a healthier lifestyle, better body. I cant wait to be back to (almost) my Pre-Hawaii body. I took myself for granted back then, and I see it now more than ever.

(ps. those were the FIRST 3 pounds I lost)

Tracking my HCG Diet!

Day 4- (first 500 cal day).... Well, the load days were a mixture of emotion. I was SO excited to eat what I wanted, when I wanted. But, I couldnt bring myself to do it like I though I would. I felt so disgusting. I have been trying to eat so healthy these past months, just to eat like a TOTAL fatty! I did not like it. Until last night. When I had my last meal. Which consisted of the MOST AMAZING chocolate doughnuts from Entemanns.... I feel disgusting, but better. I know that I made this worth it.
I am more upset today about not being able to put creamer in my coffee than not being able to eat breakfast. Strange right???

Tracking my HCG Diet!

I figure this will be the best way to track my progress, that way inbetween all the stupid pictures(jokes) that I share, and all the LOVELY pictures I share of Raileigh, you can still see my Daily/Weekly progress. I will apologize now for my use of profanity. (P.S. I used the most recent picture. As disgusted as I am to show what I became, it will give an idea when I post my end results!)

Day 1- Load day!!! WOOOO HOOOOO I can eat prettttty much what I want today (untill Sunday night!). From what I understand, the loading (eating foods with HIGH calories and fat) is to overload my body so that it WANTS to flush all of the shit out. And by shit, I mean fat. lol.
Today I weighed myself and wanted to throw up. I am so dissappointed in myself for letting myself go so bad. But I am making that change! I did all of my measurements, which also made me sick to my stomach, but that will soon change. I will not give my starting numbers, but I will be more than happy to share my progress (as to how many pounds I lose each week, maybe even inches lost)...